The art of being Jami 

Make a mental note: During our foster care home visit yesterday the vandals attempted to ride their tricycles down the staircase.  Granted, in a lot of ways this was a Godsend. I was fully cognizant of their scheme whereas – twenty minutes before the case worker’s arrival this might have been lost on me.


I was hobbled by an email Tuesday morning from a “conservative, Christian, non-Starbucks drinking, homo-phobic, one million mom” reader who was unfollowing me because I am “too arrogant to stomach” anymore. Later in the day I got an email from a dear “celibate, Christian, homosexual, foster father of four” praising a post that spoke to him, but he thinks I might need counseling.


This is what happens when the one woman circus that is my mind is unleashed.

And it is indicative of everything in my life. A parable in the art of paradox. And, fully represents what it is like to be me. Maggie, Lisa, Marcy, Kim, Stephanie, Stacey, Kelly, Shawna, Angie & Amy are the handful I can fully face after a post – because they generally accept the fact that at any given moment I could be any number of a Jami persona. Justin, my husband, doesn’t read my blog. He just asks for the daily stats. If they hit over 5k views in a day, I read them to him.


This is the truth. I have a brain like a thesaurus, and I can’t spell. I am dyslexic and math illiterate.  I am an excommunicated Mormon, a displaced Catholic, attending an “instrumental” Church of Christ.  I worship at the feet of Americanized Jesus’  when the line at Starbuck’s  gets too long and I am going to be late to Pilates. And I  curl up in the lap of the real Jesus and bawl like a baby when we have to turn away a foster placement. I will rant and rave about Americanized Jesus – but He and I are tight. So make no mistake, I do not have a compost toilet, and I love Kohl’s cash.  Which, btw, is on today.


The vandals ate lunch naked. With their shoes and socks on … I look forward to the day they recognize the awkwardness of nudity. I see naked people. Constantly. And it really doesn’t faze me in the least. The fact that it doesn’t faze me, and that I am like a mortician eating egg salad during an autopsy, bothers me.

egg salad

We started the adoption journey because I dreamt of a little girl named Alison… I currently reside with five males. I don’t know where the heck Alison is… But if and when she shows up we will buy pink things and have a tea party. Then she can climb a tree or whatever but at a minimum – I want to play Barbies for an hour.


I am a mess.

And never claimed I wasn’t.

And I don’t read a lot of blogs but my favorites are ones that readily call out wrongs or wander about aimlessly looking for real Jesus.

My only earthly claim to fame is that even though I’ve had no training, I can play the drums like Phil Collins, and  I can rap perfectly in sync to the Beastie Boys, all of their songs. And I can do that without missing a lick after a sing along with Michael W. Smith… The weight of this contradiction is not lost on me.


So in case you haven’t noticed I am not Beth Moore – and if Beth Moore and I were ever in the same room and I tripped and fell…  She would be seriously injured. This is a reflection of my size and grace in comparison to a great theologian.

Recently my husband was asked if he was a Christian and he said, “I try to be…” I was slightly horrified as I thought this should be a blanket answer – and I still do in the state of being: I am a believer of Jesus Christ.  As is Justin – but is that what is being asked of us anymore?  Because I think, Justin is right.  Striving to behave as Christ would is more seeking than professing.  I don’t have the power, nor do I crave it, to rewrite the definition of Christianity, but I am grieved to my core at what social and mass media has been able to do with with the characterization of Christians.


And we fully participate.

Our actions speak louder than our words; she says as she types an 885-word post.

See? My entire existence is a metaphor in anarchy.

I will never deny Jesus Christ.


Without posting actual pictures, this blog has become the bearer of my bare bum.  And so be it. I took the Jesus fish off my car, not because I am denying Jesus, but because I am a distracted driver who cuts people off and I worry non-believers expect me to drive better with the Jesus fish. And I would much rather be seen as a seeker of Christ with no Jesus fish than an a colossal jerk who doesn’t appreciate the genuine goodness of a fabulous cup of coffee.

bare bum

Now, I must prepare for a speaking engagement where I will be discussing the attributes of a good foster mom.  The Pharisaical shenanigans that are my existence continue to provide substantial material.


If it is too much to stomach, I adore Beth Moore’s blog too…

May your floors be sticky and your calling ordained.  Love, Jami

“Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it, the Lord is his name: Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things you have not known. ” Jeremiah 33:2-3

About jamiamerine

I am a wife, mom, & seeker of joy! I love to share funny and inspirational tales with my fellow moms. I fully believe that God intended laughter to be a form of rest and worship. I have a few kids. I have a few years on me. I have a great husband. And I love to laugh. I studied home economics in college, I can cook just about anything, but do not ask me to sew. In my graduate work I studied education and human development, I consider my life continuing education, my children are my ongoing thesis. If they survive that, I will let you know! I write non-fiction for laughter, respite, and inspiration. I also am in the process of submitting my first fiction mystery and have two more in the works! Mom life is hard work. My prayer for my readers is that, even if it you just have five minutes, you can be inspired and encouraged today. Keep it short and sweet... rest in Jesus girlfriend.
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33 Responses to The art of being Jami 

  1. mckelvie12 says:

    Enjoyed your blog today. Thanks for starting my day out with some inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Francie says:

    Please just keep on giving us the real you. I love your writing.

    I’m living in the comical chaos too. (What’s really scary is that we haven’t even gotten our first foster care placement yet.) My bio-kiddos were such a challenge yesterday that I told our trainer, who had come last night for our second home study, “I don’t think I want to take in children, but instead give you mine.” 😉

    I’m guessing the enemy is on attack. If I doubt my parenting ability and run from fostering, he would surely celebrate. Same is true for you, IF you are feeling less than a Beth Moore because a reader got herself in a tizzy. Don’t let a lie from the enemy change you… we love and appreciate you!


  3. japriv says:

    I just wanted to let you know I love your blog. It’s honest and refreshing. I too go to Highland. I hope to meet you someday. Keep spreading the love of Jesus. Julie Privitt

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Donna says:

    Press on Jami….😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have no idea how your brain works; I couldn’t care less that your mind can’t do math (preach that) but I love,love, love your honesty. Keep writing naked (not literally – don’t let the vandals take you to the dark side!) – and let the haters hate. Americanized Jesus will smack them for you. 😜

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Kathy says:

    Love. Love. Love. Honest. Refreshing. Truthful. Putting it all out there.

    Your “problem” is you can see both sides of an issue making you a thinker. That’s hard for others to understand. I am one of you so I get it.

    Thank you for starting me day with inspiration and joy.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Kim says:

    Once again you have brought humor, reflection, and inspiration to my day! Thank you!!! Love your posts!!! My morning send off to my teenagers: “remember to choose JOY (Jesus, others, yourself…in that order)” followed by a whisper of “but forgive yourself and others when dyslexia occurs.”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Kim Phelan says:

    This is who you are and I’m thankful for it.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Robin says:

    I just love you, seriously! You are so honest and so real. I’m at the point in my life where I can’t stand fake Christianity, the hypocrisy, the judgementalness….I’ve had my fill and I’ve had enough. Maybe it’s because I feel I’m not as nice as I used to be or not as accommodating…I don’t know. But what I do know is that the only perfect person is Jesus. And I’m glad He meets me right where I am every. single. day.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Glenna McKelvie says:

    Loved this, Jami– I’m with Justin! I believe in Jesus every day but question if I live up to the standard everyday! I was told as a bew Christian (38 years ago) that if I doubted
    My salvation I wasn’t saved! Well, I do not doubt that Jesus died for my sins– and I accept His amazing grace, I just hate how often, at the end of the day I look back and think –gee, wish I’d done better! Love! ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I’ve just discovered your blog … I love your “realness”. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Shannon says:

    I love your blog, it is always makes me look at myself. I too don’t always get it right, but I pray with God’s guidance I can improve my stats.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. cvheiser says:

    I love your blog! I read it every morning while I nurse the baby at 5am, so thanks for the company! I will take someone who is trying to be a Christian over a perfect one any day 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Nonnahsblue says:

    “I took the Jesus fish off my car, not because I am denying Jesus, but because I am a distracted driver who cuts people off and I worry non-believers expect me to drive better with the Jesus fish.”—-I love, love, love this. It speaks to me as I speak to myself in my head. Thank you for always be so open and refreshing.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. While trying to sum up how much I love your blog, my 13 year old gets up to plant “one” in my 9 year old’s face…….sigh……I knew you’d understand.
    Jesus loves them, right?

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Aubrey says:

    Yep, you probably do need therapy. So do I. We can hit up Starbucks afterward, praise God for His bigness, then drive home in our Jesus fishless vehicles to greet our children who haven’t embraced clothing yet. The only difference between me and you is you have an audience. Audiences as a whole (but especially when masked behind the vastness of the Internet) see themselves as Siskel and Ebert. Glad Jesus loves us all just the same. Blessings, sanity, and chocolate to you, sister!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Ashley says:

    Never apologize for being yourself, even the haters can’t stop reading. 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

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